
postheadericon Sand-Flee Portable 9" Drum Sander

Best Buy Sand-Flee Portable 9" Drum Sander Online Store

Sand-Flee Portable 9" Drum Sander Features

  • The SF-0900 features a powder coated, reinforced steel base, an 1/8" nickel-plated steel top
  • New micro-adjustment knob to adjust the height of the table
  • CNC-machined aluminum and steel drum covered with hook and loop make it a snap to change paper
  • The compact and light 1700 RPM Bodine motor runs cool and quiet
  • Made in the U.S.A.

Sand-Flee Portable 9" Drum Sander Overview

Sand-Flee portable 9" drum sander features a 1/3 HP 115V, 1700 RPM motor, 1/8" zinc-plated steel top and New Micro-height-adjustment knob, power coated steel base, integral down draft system for superior dust collection 9" wide, CNC- machined aluminum, hook and loop wrapped drum, 9" to18" of sanding width and unlimited height 2-1/2" dust port. Sandpaper, keyless chuck, fence and double mops sold separately.


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nahidworld said...

A drum sander is a large, powerful type of sander – perhaps one of the most powerful industrial-strength sanders you can get on the market. It uses a hollow roller with sandpaper-type sheets wrapped around it, attached to a rotary and a powerful engine that causes the roller to spin.

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